InfoTom, Software Consulting

Software Reviews & Consulting







After writing software reviews for German and Swiss Computer magazines for years, I am know focussing on Dr. Tom's Independent Software Reviews on the web and regular submissions to MultiLingual Computing and Technology.

For many software products no printed or on-line resources exist for placing reviews. This is mainly because publishing reviews on highly specialized software programs does not sell too well. I therefore created Dr. Tom's Independent Software Reviews. It currently features an older comparative review on topographic mapping software, long versions of my reviews of translation and localization software and a few tool tips. Due to time constraints, I neglected this site for quite some time but I plan to update it soon providing reviews on products which should be of interest for professional users. I hope you enjoy my reviews and find them helpful to make decide whether or not a software might be useful for you and worth the money to spend.

A selection of my published software reviews:

My experience in software evaluation and ergometry as well as my constant enthusiastic screening of the market result in a well founded competence on tools and professional applications, especially in scientific software and the translation/localization field.
As time permits I am offering consulting services on projects that catch my interest.

Thomas Wassmer, Ph.D., Email: tom at